Monday, March 28, 2011

It's A Beautiful Choice

One of my good friends recently brought home her adopted baby boy.  When she told me, I was so excited for her and tonight I was able to talk with her for the first time.  It was a good, lighthearted conversation but we talked briefly about the adoption and what little she knew about the birthmom and both agreed wholeheartedly that this woman--and any woman who gives her child up for adoption--is extremely courageous.  These women not only choose to give life to their children--they choose to give them what is, hopefully, a better life than what they can provide.  So, tonight, I not only say a prayer for my friend and her new son, I say a prayer for this woman and praise God for this beautiful, new life!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Spring Break

So, last week I took quite a fall while running.  This is something that I do on a regular basis thanks to my weak ankles--same story every time:  roll an ankle, lose balance, scrape up knee and hand (minimum).  Well, since then, I haven't exercised.  I decided that I would start again next week so I'm calling this week spring break.  It makes me feel better about not exercising.  I'm already looking forward to Easter Break.....