Friday, February 22, 2013

My Napless, Sugar-Free, Finger in Poop Day


For some reason our little guy has decided to pick up some of the worst sleeping habits yet.  In addition to getting up a lot at night, he has sworn off any nap that does not include me holding him.  What?!?  I keep hoping it's because he is teething and once that tooth breaks through, we can slowly move back to normal...hopefully...  So, for now, he enjoys just sitting on my lap while I work, trying to grab the mouse as I click away.

Hi, I'm Cyril and I refuse to nap.

But I am cute!


I gave up sugar for Lent.*  It's already been the longest Lent ever and it's only been a week.  Turns out that it's not really sugar that I crave--it's food.  I'm not sure when I became an emotional eater.  Plus, I love snacking at night. I can't help but feel like I deserve an award after getting all three kids in bed...but I am really trying to break it this Lent.   

Finger in Poop

Need I say more?  I'm still traumatized by this.  (Yes, I have three kids and have gotten it on me before, but this experience was exceptionally gross.)  You would think that this experience alone would give me that extra motivation to just potty train Anna already.  She can totally do it--I'm just lacking the energy right now.  And I'm a little nervous about where else poop may end up...

*Before Lent, I try to discern what has a greater hold over me than it should.  Not surprisingly, it is typically some type of food--candy, desserts, peanut butter are all really common.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Preschool Dilemma


Ok, so you wouldn't think that this would be that big of a deal.  I went back and forth last year about sending Cecilia to preschool this year and in the end it just didn't feel like it was time--like I was rushing it.  That in addition to expecting a new baby right at the beginning of the school year and not knowing my job situation led me to postpone the decision another year.

I don't actually think that preschool is necessary for all kids.  I never went, I have many friends that never went (people who went to more prestigious schools than I did), and Cecilia is pretty smart so, academically, she would have been find.  But, the state of Michigan now mandates all day kindergarten and I just felt that this could lead to a tough transition.  And she is just somebody who needs more mental stimulation.  So, this year, I gradually started doing some research to find the right preschool.  My criteria was pretty simple:

1.  Price -- this ruled out any posh, private preschool and any school with "Montessori" in the name.  I'm sorry, but I just don't think that my child is going to have a huge advantage over their peers when they enter the workplace  in their 20's just because I managed to shell out a minimum $7500/year for PRESCHOOL!!!  (Is it like this everywhere?  Are all Montessori schools this expensive and, if they are, why?)
2.  Flexibility--because of my schedule and the fact that I have Cecilia enrolled in a preschool catechism program already, I really only wanted to commit to 2 days per week.
3.  Not day care.  I don't believe that you can throw "preschool" in the title and yet be obvious that you are only providing me with a half day of day care.  I already pay somebody to watch my kids, thank you very much.
4.  No coop preschool.  Co-op preschools are really big in this town and I will start by saying that I don't think that they are bad.  Most, though parent run, have actual certified teachers, curriculum, etc.  They work out well for the right people....just not us.  Ok, I was already 85-90% sure that I felt this way...and then we went to an open house at one not far from our home and that experience bumped it up to 100%  110%.  I just don't have the time and, in the end, I really just want to drop my kid off and let the school take it from there.  (Not to mention the potential for parent drama.)

Despite my criteria, I think that we actually found one.  We went to their open house and Cecilia was SUPER excited.  She asks me if she can go to school every day.  Every. Single. Day. Our little girl is growing up.  Unbelievable how fast time goes.