Wednesday, March 14, 2012

From A Square To A Circle

When we told people that we were pregnant with Anna, we received a lot of “you must be crazy!” looks.  I didn’t really understand why until I Anna reached the same age as Cecilia was when I got pregnant (they are 16.5 months apart).  So, on Christmas Eve, when that invisible line turned blue again, I was hesitant to tell many people.  Now that we are out of the first trimester and things are going well and I don’t feel like I will be sick FOREVER, the excitement has really set in.  Here is a pic* taken of our little peanut 6 weeks ago:

It always amazes me when I see that ultrasound the first time.  Since it is still early in the pregnancy, other than feeling terrible, there are not any other signs of pregnancy.  You are not showing, can’t feel the baby move, but you are always aware that there is this little baby growing inside of you.  And then, BAM!, there they are on the screen with their precious heart beating away.  I know this is baby #3 for us, but I still got tears in my eyes.  I don’t think that it is something that you become immune to.  I also breathed a sigh of relief that there was only one baby…. 
So here we go again!  Baby #3 is due to enter the world September 4th and we couldn’t be happier to have another set of tiny feet running around our house and to have our family of 4 rounded out to a family of 5.  We are truly blessed!

*My husband says that our ultrasound pictures always look like a mysterious ship wreck, not a baby.  It is clearer on the screen, but my doctor was kind enough to label the different parts of the “ship” in hopes that we could at least make out part of the baby.  J