I love my girls. They drive me absolutely crazy sometimes, but my family is my world and I love how, at the end of the day, I always have little amusing stories to tell my husband (alongside the horror stories). And, occasionally, I just have these moments where I stop and think, "Did that just really happen?" For example:
1. Cecilia has been asking for peas ever since she saw a Curious George episode where he ate them. I keep forgetting to buy any because I NEVER buy peas because, well....they're gross. I gag at the smell of them. (The only person who beats me hands down in their dislike for them is my brother. He won't even eat vegetable soup because he says that it infects the rest of the can. My husband loves them and has been kind enough to not nag me about buying them.) Fortunately, I found out today that what she calls "peas" are actually edamame. I bought some today and she was psyched. So, today, I managed to bribe my girls into eating their dinner by offering more "peas" as they ate. What??? Why have I been buying so many fruit snacks?
2. Cecilia has also decided to be a great helper in disciplining her younger sister. Anna took milk into the living room the other day which is "no-no" in our house (don't judge my analness). I was in the bathroom when I heard Cecilia tell her "no, Anna, milk in the kitchen only" and then proceeded to count to 3 giving her due warning of impending punishment for her milk crime. Anna, as she does with me, ignored Cecilia so Cecilia promptly gave her a time-out. It was funny...but I did have to explain to Cecilia that only mom and dad discipline them. I'm also glad that my mini-me didn't sound like a mean mom.
3. Anna pretty much chose to not talk for a long time. In the last couple of months, she has really picked up a lot of words and found the benefit of communicating beyond grunting. But, she isn't even two yet so there is no filter there. She chased me through the Norfolk airport a couple of weeks ago shouting "Poop!" because she needed her diaper changed. So glad that she learned that word before "please."