Monday, November 14, 2011

Time For a Brain Cleanse

I was travelling for work recently and was in need of a book.  So, I do what I typically do which is hit the airport bookstore in hopes of finding a mildly entertaining book that would require little effort to read.  I had it narrowed down between “The Help” and “One Day.”  I had heard good things about “The Help,” but worrying that it might be too deep for an airplane ride, I opted for “One Day.”  Also, I should mention that it had Anne Hathoway on the cover which later will be my husband’s only reason as to why I considered the book at all.

See, the Anne Hathoway thing is this—it’s not that I really, really like her.  It’s just that she makes a decent airplane movie.  I would never sit down an voluntarily watch her movies but there is just something about being 30,000 ft in the air with 8 hours to kill that makes her movies mildly entertaining to me and, yes, mindless.
I ended up reading maybe three whole chapters on my trip.  I opted to do work instead….it was that bad.  The story idea was a little cliché and the characters really annoyed me.  I actually felt bad for them and there was just something about the Emma character and her life that made me feel dirty.  Not in a moral way—in a physical-living-in-filth-and-not-taking-a-shower-way.  I don’t even know why.  But, here’s the thing that confuses my husband to this day:  I actually FINISHED the book.  It didn’t get any better and I’m pretty sure that I rolled my eyes through most of the book.  I’m not sure why I did but it may have something to do with the $15 that I spent on it and the thought that, since it was a “New York Times Bestseller”, it HAD to get better.  Wrong.

As I studied the cover later, I realized what should have been one of many clues that this wasn’t for me.  All of the rave reviews on the cover were from tabloid-type publications, including a great 5 stars from People Magazine.  I should really spend more time picking up these small details.  Well, it’s not a total loss—on my next trip through Detroit Metro, I will be turning it back in and getting half of my money back.  In the mean time, I have decided to do a brain cleanse and read some classical literature.  Nothing too heavy, just some Jane Austen.  I feel better already.

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