Monday, April 4, 2011

Culinary Conquests

Last Friday was Joe’s birthday.  He has the privilege of having his birthday fall during Lent 90% of the time but this year he also had the privilege of having it fall on a Friday.  His late night at work combined with his fasting had us celebrating his birthday on Saturday.  Since we weren’t going out to eat, I decided to try my hand at the first meal that I ever made for him—Caper Stuffing Roast—and to make him the desert that he has talked about since we met—a Sacher Torte. 

Caper Stuffing Roast

Some of my friends think that I am a good cook and I say that I am only as good as the recipe that I’m following.  8 years ago, a couple days before Valentine’s Day, I called my brother and asked him for a recipe that would impress Joe but was within my skill level.  I’m pretty sure that he made this recipe up as we talked something that always impresses me.  I remember being somewhat underwhelmed by the caper stuffing so, this time, I found a new caper stuffing recipe.  The combination of his marinade with this stuffing made the roast De-li-cous!

Beef Broth
1 cup Red Wine
1 medium onion
1 medium tomato
1 tbsp thyme (I used basil instead)
1 tbsp pepper

Slice roast flat and marinate overnight.

Caper Stuffing
1 cup bread crumbs
¼ cup capers
1/8 cup green onion
1/8 cup parsley
1 tsp salt
Pour blend of 1 beaten egg + 3/8 cup cream over top and mix

Roll stuffing into roast, place with flap down and skewer.  Pour marinade over roast.  Cook roast at 300º until it has reached a temperature of 160º ladling marinade over the top every so often.  Remove roast from pan.  Mix corn starch with marinade until it has reached desired consistency.  Slice roast and pour sauce over the top. 

Sacher Torte

I got the sacher torte recipe from here.  The reviews were really good and for a good reason.  I was a little intimidated by the recipe at first but it really was easy and turned out to be really good.  The one thing that I do recommend is to not pinch pennies when it comes to they type of chocolate that you choose.  This cake is basically just chocolate, egg, and butter so if you use cheap chocolate it may not be as good (I’m guessing.).   

                                 The presentation may be lacking but it was still tasty.

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